Omniverse Audio2Face

Artificial Intelligence - AI Tools

Omniverse Audio2face is a reference application that simplifies the animation of a three -dimensional hero to match any path with a spoken undercoat. It is loaded with a ready -made model of a three -dimensional hero, which can be animate with a path with a spoken undercoat, and the audio input is given to a previously trained neural network, and the output drives the tops of the hero’s face mesh in real time, creating a face animation. It also has a character transfer function that allows users to assign any three-dimensional human or human-like face and allows you to scale the result with several characters on the stage and control the emotions of the character using a network of artificial intelligence. It also has data conversion features that enable the conversion of Blendshape face shape and case weight export options and supports Blendshapes exports for Blender and Epic Games Unreal Engine to generate character movement.